在强干扰环境下 ,选择特定的步长因子 ,能够促使恒模算法抑制强干扰信号 ,然而 ,恒模算法的收敛过程较长 ,且输出信干噪比不高。首先导出了恒模算法权向量和干扰信号的波达角度之间的关系 ,然后利用这一关系能够迅速求出强干扰信号的波达角度 ,最后 ,计算机仿真验证了该方法。在已知期待信号波达角度的条件下 ,就可以把天线阵的主波束对准期待信号 ,而把零陷对准强干扰 。
It was deducd that the strong interference signal could be deleted by the CMA choosing special stepsize.However, the optimal procedure of the CMA was long and the output SINR was low. In this paper, the relation between the weight vector and the AOA of the interference is concluded, according to which, a method is proposed in this paper to adaptively determine the angle-of-arrival (AOA) of the multiple co-channel interference signals under severe environment. Simulation results through computer confirm our view. With the arrival angle of the desired constant modulus (CM) signal a prior knowledge, it is possible to immediately form a satisfactory beam in the direction of the interesting signal while nulling the interference.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)