Zhangzangjing first appeared in the part Yi Fang of the book Tongzhi Yiwenlue written by ZHEN Qiao in the Song dynasty, which was entitled Huashi Zhongzanjing. In the book Zhizai Shulu Jieti written by CHEN Zhen-sun, the author claims that it is entitled Zhongzangjing volume 1, and written by HUA Tuo Yuan-hua in Qaojun in the Han dynasty. Who was the author and when the book was completed have been problems discussed for ages and no agreement has been reached yet. Some people believe that HUA Tuo was its author. Others think it was a student of HUA Tuo who wrote the book. There are also people who believe a person in the period of the Six Dynasties was its author, and still others believe its author was a person in the Song dynasty. The phonological Systems in dif- ferent dynasties were extremely different. According to this rule and by the analysis of the thymed words, the author discovered the rhymed words have the phonological features of the Song dynasty. So the author author believes was written in the Song dynasty. There are also some parts in the book that might be written earlier.
Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Social Science Edition)