编辑在和作者与读者的交往中 ,根据自己扮演的各种角色 ,形成了编辑特有的行为规范。主要内容可概括为 :尊重作者的劳动 ,维护作者的权益 ;坚持质量标准 ,择优录用稿件 ;无私奉献 ,甘当无名英雄 ;多出精品 ,为读者服务。编辑的这些行为规范 。
Editors play several roles in the communication with authors and readers.Therefore,editors have the special ethic norm.The norm mainly covers:respecting authors'work,and protecting authors' interests;standardizing quality control,and selecting high quality articles;making selfless dedication;being unknown heros,producing good articles and serving the readers.These editorial norms are the specialization of the common requirements of all occupational ethics.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College