经济学作为指导人类经济实践的科学 ,必然要合理解释和反映社会经济生活的本质 ,而知识经济作为新兴的并且将日益在社会上占据主导地位的经济形式 ,其出现和勃兴对传统经济学的基础理论、增长理论、货币理论、周期理论等都产生了巨大的冲击 ,面对这样的冲击 ,尽早对其展开研究是经济学研究者刻不容缓的责任。
Economics, as science of guiding people's economic practice, will certainly explain and reflect the essence of social-economic condition. Now intellect economics has emerged as a new branch and is increasingly becoming a dominant form of economics, and it has brought about tremendous shock to some traditional economic theories such as the basic theory, increasing theory, monetary theory and periodic theory. Faced with such a shock, economists find it their immediate duty to make a study of it.