为解决散粮装卸输送过程中产生的粉尘污染问题 ,选择小型袋式除尘器为除尘设备进行研究。使用不同滤料对袋式除尘器阻力性能进行实验得出结论 ,其滤料的选取是关键的一步 ,在高比负荷、高过滤风速下运行时其壳体阻力仍较一般袋式除尘器小。单相流时采用体积较小的 W型滤袋 ,以工业涤纶 2 0 8或针刺毡做滤料 ,袋式除尘器的总阻力较小 。
As an attempt to handle the dust pollution in the loading and unloading of grains in bulk, small sized bag dust collectors of different fabric filters are tested. Results show that the choice of dust filters is crucial to the pressure drop and that the small sized bag dust collectors can work under low casing pressure drop with high rate of filtration and high load. For single phase current, the use of W type bag filters, with felt cloth or polyester fiber 208 as the dust filter, can make the total pressure drop smaller, which comes mainly from the casing of the bag house.
Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology:Natural Sciences Edition