Some testing results on DAWNING-1000, Paragon and workstation cluster are described in this paper. On the home-made parallel system DAWNING-1000 with 32 computational processors, the practical performance of 1.117 Gflops and 1.58 Gflops has been measured in solving a dense linear system and doing matrix multiplication, respectively. The scalability is also investigated. The importance of designing efficient parallel algorithms for evaluating parallel systems is emphasized.
Some testing results on DAWNING-1000, Paragon and workstation cluster are described in this paper. On the home-made parallel system DAWNING-1000 with 32 computational processors, the practical performance of 1.117 Gflops and 1.58 Gflops has been measured in solving a dense linear system and doing matrix multiplication, respectively. The scalability is also investigated. The importance of designing efficient parallel algorithms for evaluating parallel systems is emphasized.