根据可见光分光光度计的工作原理,设计了一种测定染色木材试验颜色坚牢度的方法,并利用这一方法讨论分析了木材染色处理工艺参数对颜色坚牢度的影响。试验以尾×巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla×grandis)为试材,以酸性染料为染色剂。试验结果表明在染液配方、染液材积比和染色时间控制不变的条件下,染液温度为颜色坚牢度的第一位影响因子,达到1%显著性水平。在25~80℃的范围内,颜色坚牢度随温度升高而增长,温度越高,增长越快。其次为固色剂浓度,达到5%显著性水平。在0~0.3%的范围内,颜色坚牢度随固色剂浓度增大而增长,低浓度时增长较快。再次为染液pH值,它对颜色坚牢度的影响较小,仅达到10%显著性水平。渗透剂JFC用量对颜色坚牢度的影响不显著,略显负的效应,此有待进一步证实和深入研究。
Based on the principle of spectrometer,a new technique to determine color fastness of dyed timber was created,and by means of this new technique, influence of technological parameters upon color fastness of dyed timber was studied. Experimends are conducted with Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis being tested object and acid dyes being dyeing materials. The experiment results are as follows: under the condition of formulation of dyeing solution, volume proportion of dyeing solution to timber and time of dyeing treatment being constant, ( i )Temperature of dyeing solution is the first important factor to color fastness, its influence goes to 1% significance level. Within the range of 25~80℃, color fastness increases as temperature goes higher,and the higher the temperature, the greater the growth speed of color fastness. ( ii )Concentra-tion of fixing agent solution is the second important factor,its influence on color fastness goes to 5% significance level. Within the range of 0 ~ 0.3 % , color fastness increases with the increase of concentration, and the growth speed is significantly higher at lower concentration range. (iii)Influence of pH of dyeing solution on color fastness is small,only showing significance at 10% level. (iv)Penetrating agent has no significant influence on color fastness,showing slight negative effect,but this needs further confirmation.
China Forest Products Industry