柳钢转炉水塔因场地西侧进行人工挖孔桩施工 ,大量抽排地下水 ,导致水塔地基出现不均匀沉降 ,水塔向西南方向产生倾斜 .在水塔圆板基础下布设 3 0根直径 1 3 0mm钻孔 ,孔深入岩约 2 5m ,孔内下直径 1 0 8mm ,壁厚 4 5mm的钢管 ,钢管内外再灌注水泥浆 ,形成注浆钢管桩 ,进行加固处理 ,完工 1 1d后 ,水塔累计沉降量为 2mm ,倾斜 3mm 后来挖孔桩重新施工排水过程中 ,该水塔未发生沉降和倾斜 .
Because borehole cast_in_place piles and large numbers of groundwater in the westward of a converter water_tower in Liuzhou steel factory,the water_tower foundation occurs asymmetrical settlement and tilt toward southwest. The reinforcing goal is how to keep the water_tower from tilting. It's suggested that the C10 rubble_stone concrete with 5m thick below the water_tower base is a rigidity, the load of water_tower (filling water) is summons the C10 rubble_stone concrete by the water_tower foundation. It stabilizes the C10 rubble_stone concrete and prevents water_tower from tilting as long as adequate steel tube piles are collocated to make vertical bearing capacity of steel tube pile down_part exceed the water_tower load and make an anchor_hold between the up_part steel tube pile and C10 rubble_stone. Thirty drills with a diameter of 130 mm are chiseled into 2 5 m below the water_tower foundation. The steel tubes with a diameter of 108 mm and 4 5 mm thick are put into the drills, and the cement_slurry is grouted around the steel tube inside and outside. After this reinforcing way, the water_tower total settlement is 2 mm,the tilt is 3 mm.It stands the testing of borehole cast_in_place piles digging and groundwater pumping. Practice proves this way is successful and can be used in similar case.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology