目前 ,我国的一些地区 行业的伤亡事故正遏而不止 ,给国家和人民带来了严重恶果。而我们根据已知的伤亡事故 ,建立了事故预测数学模型 ,将安全管理的重点放在了事故预测预防上。通过 6年来的辛勤努力 ,使通化这个煤炭、钢铁工业生产基地的伤亡事故得到了大幅度下降 ,基本遏制住了重特大事故 。
At present,the casualty accidents in some regions and occupations of our country are increasing and have resulted in the serious eflect on our country and people.So we set up mathematical pattern of predicting accidents to put emphasis of safety managemen on the prediction of accidents.Accordingly,the casalty accidents of industrial production base of coal,steel and iron of Tonghua City have greatly decreased and the serious accidents have fundamentally been stopped.So safe productions have achieved remarkable effect
Safety and Environmental Engineering