目的 :探讨腰椎间盘突出并椎体后缘离断症的发病机理和CT表现 ,提高对本症的认识。材料与方法 :对 16例患者进行轴位及部分冠、矢状位重建的CT扫描。结果 :本组病例离断骨片均来自椎体后上缘 ,以S1居多 ,后移骨片前方骨质缺损区为间盘组织充填 ,周边硬化。结论 :椎体后缘骨片离断的主要发病机理是椎间盘突出的推压 ,为继发改变 。
Purpose:To study the mechanism and to improve knowledge of the lumbar disk herniation associated with posterior bony edge.Separation of the vertebral body,based on its CT findings.Materials and Methods:16 patients with lumbar disk herniation were evaluated with the CT scan.Coronal and sagittal reconstruction were applied in some people of them.Results:All bony fragment were separated from posterior and superior edge of the vertebral.body in which the first vertebral sacrae was the majority.There was bony defect filld with disk materual in front of bony fragment.There were sclerosis on the vertebral body edge.Conclusion:The main mechanism was the separation compression of the herniated disk on the postenior vertebral body.The bony separation was the secondary change.So the authors agree to the nomenclature of the lumbar disk herniation associated with postorior bony edge separation of the vertebral body.
Modern Medical Imageology