目的 探讨吸毒人员自尊和幸福感情况 ;方法 采用《自尊量表》和《幸福感指数量表》,对 1 0 9名吸毒人员和 1 2 0名正常人进行调查 ;结果 1吸毒人群自尊明显低于正常 ;2家庭背景因素 (城镇水平 )和父母婚姻状况 (非完整水平 )上 ,吸毒人群的自尊显著低于正常人群 ;3吸毒者自尊与情感指数、生活满意度和幸福指数趋于零相关。结论 加强戒毒和禁毒宣传和管理和心理干预 。
drug addicts and 120 normal people were investigated by Questionnaire of Index of Well-Being and index of well-being.Conclusion ①drug addicts' self-esteem is very significantly lower than normal people;②within sex factor(female level)and occupation factor(farmer level)and family factor(town level)and parental marriage(divorce and the bereft of one's spouse level),drug addicts' self-esteem is significantly difference with nromal people;③drug addicts' self-esteem and index of affect are very low relation,their self-esteem and life satisfaction and index of well-being are negative relation.The suggestion is that improvement of the subjects' level of self-esteem can help them to abstain from mental drug addiction.
Health Psychology Journal