

Application of a new correlation algorithm to urban construction and supervision based on the analytic hierarchy process: taking multi-source government data in Tianjin as an example
摘要 近年来,大数据技术与应用正吸引着越来越多学者的关注,他们从数据的管理、组织、计算和相关性等不同的角度进行了广泛的研究,主要应用于计算机科学、商贸、生态等领域,然而,现阶段大数据在政务管理上的理论研究与实际应用还较为缺乏。本文以天津市多源政务大数据为依托(2015—2016年城市建设项目各环节审批数据),利用改进后的层次分析模型,对其在城市建设监管领域中的作用进行了研究。设计了一种建设项目审批数据的关联度评价算法,用来评价同一项目在不同审批环节的数据关联状况。研究结果显示,75%以上的建设项目,其各环节审批数据有着较高的关联度,说明这些项目的建设符合法律规范。这表明城市建设监管系统的建立对规范建设项目的合法性发挥了重要的作用。 As the era of big data approaches,big data has attracted increasing amounts of attention from researchers.Various types of studies have been conducted and these studies have focused particularly on the management,organization,and correlation of data and calculations using data.Most studies involves big data address applications in scientific,commercial,and ecological fields.However,the application of big data to government management is also needed.This paper examines the application of multi-source government data to urban construction and supervision in Tianjin,China.The analytic hierarchy process and a new approach called the correlation degree algorithm are introduced to calculate the degree of correlation between different approval items in one construction project and between different construction projects.The results show that more than 75%of the construction projects and their approval items are highly correlated.The results of this study suggest that most of the examined construction projects are well supervised,have relatively high probabilities of satisfying the relevant legal requirements,and observe their initial planning schemes.
作者 王少一 盛中杰 席宇亮 马祥元 张慧荟 WANG Shaoyi;SHENG Zhongjie;XI Yuliang;MA Xiangyuan;ZHANG Huihui(Tianjin Institute of Surveying and Mapping,Tianjin 300381,China;School of Resources and Environmental Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079,China)
出处 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第S2期161-164,共4页 Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
关键词 层次分析过程 关联度算法 建设项目监管 多源政务数据 多准则辅助决策 analytical hierarchy process correlation algorithm construction and supervision multi-source government data multicriteria decision aiding
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