为了提高志愿者参与地震等巨灾救援的组织化程度,提高救援效率,同时有效避免隐私泄漏等风险,本文提出了一种面向巨灾救援的地面移动目标应急跟踪方法,其通过志愿者注册建立包括手机号码、常住区域等信息的志愿者数据库;巨灾发生后,通过常住区域筛选出位于灾区周边的志愿者,通过短信猫向相应志愿者发送激活短信;志愿者智能终端接收、解析短信,确认同意后向服务器发送当前位置信息启动应急跟踪模式。采用Android/SMS Modem二次开发/Google Maps API等技术实现了志愿者应急跟踪原型系统。
In order to improve the organizations efficiency of volunteers' participation in the catastrophe rescue such as earthquake and avoid the privacy leakage, a ground moving target emergency tracking method for catastrophe rescue is presented in this paper. In this method, a volunteer information database including the mobile phone number and their living region information is built in advance by volunteers registration, when catastrophe happens, the volunteers who are living close to the disaster area will be filtered by the living region, then the activation short message will be sent to the selected volunteers using SMS Modem. The activation short messages are received and identified by volunteers' smart phones, and the current location information is sent to the server, the emergency tracking mode is triggered. The volunteers emergency tracking prototype system is implemented using Android/SMS Modem/Google Maps API.
Geomatics World