介绍了移动GIS地图服务应用发展及趋势;研究了移动GIS地图服务中对等网络和地图服务质量控制机制的构建方法;基于P2P技术和Qo S技术,针对移动GIS地图服务应用中存在的一些弊病,提出了四种服务模型:数据分层分块模型、地图服务匹配模型、数据缓存下载模型和地图数据传输模型,这些模型对于移动GIS地图服务应用中理论研究和技术开发具有较高的参考价值和借鉴意义。
Firstly, this paper introduces the development and trend on the application of mobile GIS map service. Secondly, the mobile GIS map service is studied to building the method on peer-to-peer networks and map service quality control mechanism. Finally, in view of some existing weaknesses in the application of mobile GIS map service, four kinds of service model are put forward based on the technology of P2P and QoS, which are the data layering block model, the map service matching model, the data download cache model and the map data transmission model. These models have higher reference value and significance for mobile GIS map service application in theory research and technology development.
Geomatics World