对补燃循环和使用低温推进剂的液体火箭发动机 ,需要考虑泵出口温度、密度变化对发动机动、静态特性的影响。目前计算泵出口温度、密度的方法存在一定的局限性 ,本文提出了一种新的计算方法 ,它根据泵出口推进剂的压力和比焓 ,利用推进剂的有关热力状态方程来迭代计算泵出口推进剂的密度与温度 ,具有使用方便、适用范围广和计算精度高的优点。采用最小二乘法拟合了低温推进剂火箭发动机泵出口温度、密度计算所需的热力状态方程。利用本文的方法对低温发动机泵出口密度、温度进行了计算 ,计算结果与实测值吻合很好。
For staged combustion cycle liquid and cryogenic propellant rocket engines,it has to be taken into consideration that the variation of propellant temperature and density of pump exit has an important influence on the engine state and dynamic performance The existing methods for calculating the propellant temperature and density of pump exit have some limitations,and a novel method,which uses the pressures,enthalpy and thermal state equations of pump exit propellant to calculate the temperature and density iteratively,is presented in this paper It is easy to use,and is of wide usage range and computation precision The empirical expressions of propellant thermal state equations for calculating the pump exit parameters of cryogenic propellant rocket engines are obtained by using least square method The cryogenic engine pump exit propellant temperature and density were calculated by this method,and the calculated results show good agreement with the tested values