以泡泡树[Asirnina triloba(L.)Dunal]品种‘Mango’为实验材料,从100个ISSR(Inter-simple sequence repeat)引物中筛选出6个多态性高、重复性好的引物。利用这6条引物,对13个泡泡树品种及其半同胞家系和6个种源的48个样品进行遗传多样性分析。通过DNA检测,扩增出2337条谱带,其中多态性条带为1930,多态性比率为82.6%。聚类分析结果表明,供试材料相似系数介于0.59~0.99之间。供试材料在相似系数0.91处的DNA水平上的类群划分和形态特征一致。该研究为泡泡树新品种培育的亲本选择及杂种鉴定提供理论依据。
Asirnina triloba (L.) Dunal‘Mango’ was used as the experimental material, 48 A. triloba samples were analyzed by ISSR (Inter-simple sequence repeat) technique to study their taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships. 6 polymorphic and reproducible primers were screened from 100 primers. A total of 2 337 ISSR bands were amplified, of which 1 930 were polymorphic bands, and the polymorphic rate was 82.6%. According to ISSR-PCR results, a cluster analysis (UPGMA) was conducted to generate a dendrogram. The results showed that the similarity coefficient of the tested materials were between 0.59-0. 99. The test materials were divided into 19 groups at the level of 0. 91. The genetic diversity and morphological characteristics of Asimina triloba and its varieties at the DNA level were more consistent. This study provided a theoretical basis for parents selection and hybrid identification of new bubble trees breeding in Asirnina triloba.
Forest Science and Technology