

Prediction of Rail Surface Wear Based on Finite Element Simulation
摘要 为了研究轮轨相互作用过程中钢轨的磨耗情况,采用Chaboche随动强化模型,对滚动接触载荷作用下的钢轨塑性剪切应变演化情况进行了有限元模拟分析.钢轨在滚动载荷作用初期,塑性剪切应变累积速率较快,随着载荷循次数的增加,剪切应变的增量逐渐变小并趋于稳定值.钢轨接触表面会形成剪切应变层结构,随着距离钢轨表面深度的增加,塑性剪切应变逐渐变小.结果显示,基于有限元模拟应用塑性剪切应变判据预测的结果比实际结果稍小,误差约为33.3%. To study the rail wear during the interaction of wheel and rail,finite element simulation analysis is carried out on the shear strain evolution of the steel rail under the rolling contact loads by using the Chaboche model.At the initial stage of rolling contact,the accumulation rate of shear strain is faster.The increment of shear strain becomes smaller with the increase of the number of the cyclic loading and the increment eventually tends to be stable.The shear strain layer structure would be formed on the rail contact surface.With the increase of the depth from the rail surface,the plastic shear strain should be gradually reduced.The results show that the predicted results in the paper are slightly smaller than the actual results.The error is about 33.3%.
作者 邢帅兵 生月 王强胜 江晓禹 XING Shuaibing;SHENG Yue;WANG Qiangsheng;JIANG Xiaoyu(School of Mechanics and Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China)
出处 《成都大学学报(自然科学版)》 2019年第1期78-80,85,共4页 Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(11472230)资助项目
关键词 随动强化 塑性变形 剪切应变 钢轨磨耗 kinematic hardening plastic deformation shear strain rail wear
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