
20世纪初法国西沙群岛政策的演变——基于法国外交部20世纪30年代西沙群岛档案的考察 被引量:12

The Evolution of France's Policy of Xisha Islands in the Early 20th Century: An Investigation into Diplomatic Archives about Xisha Islands of the French Foreign Ministry in the 1930s
摘要 法国政府在20世纪前30年对西沙群岛的认知经历了一个变化的过程,其政府各部门也就此进行过长时间的讨论,最终于1931年正式照会中国,提出以安南名义拥有西沙群岛主权,并与中国展开漫长的交涉过程。其结果给如今南海争端方之一的越南以"历史依据"。从法国建立印支殖民政权到正式向中国提出照会,有近半个世纪的时间,在此期间,法国对西沙的认知是如何转变的,因何而转变,本文通过对20世纪30年代前后法国外交部档案的考察,将法国对西沙群岛认知的变化分为三个阶段,从整体上和细节中展现其演进的过程,并尝试总结这种演变的特点,分析其原因和最终得出个人认识,以期在维护我国领土主权及海洋权益的工作中提供一些思考和线索。 The first 30 years in the 20th century witnessed an evolution of the French government' s cognition of Xisha Islands. With a long-time discussion about this among the different departments, the French government came to officially notify China of its sovereignty of Xisha Islands in the name of Annam, which resulted in a long process of negotiation with China. Its consequence provides the "historical basis" for Vietnam that is now a party involved in the South China Sea disputes. Over half the century that covers from the French establishment of co- lonial regime in Indochina to its official notification of China, the question remains on how and why the French' s cognition of Xisha Islands transforms. Through investigating the diplomatic archives of the French Foreign Min- istry, this paper divides France' s cognition of Xisha Islands into three phases, exhibiting its evolving course generally and specifically while attempting to summarize the evolving characteristics. The reasons are analyzed and personal interpretations are made in the hope of providing some thoughts and clues for safeguarding China' s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests
作者 任雯婧 REN Wen-jing(China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第6期68-77,共10页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
关键词 20世纪初 法国 西沙群岛 the early 20th century France Xisha Islands
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