
初使清朝之西藏格鲁派使臣车臣绰尔济与戴青绰尔济事迹考辨 被引量:8

The Activities of Chechen Chorji and Daichin Chorji on their Mission as the First Envoys of the Tibetan Gelug Sects to the Qing Dynasty
摘要 在早期清藏关系中,格鲁派高僧车臣绰尔济和戴青绰尔济因出使清廷、开辟格鲁派与清朝互使关系而闻名。因二人都是额齐格喇嘛门徒、均有伊拉古克三(意为"佛祖使者")称号,致使学界长期将二人事迹混肴。车臣绰尔济是鄂尔多斯蒙古人,先后被鄂尔多斯贵族、喀尔喀札萨克图汗部贵族以及卫拉特准噶尔贵族供养。崇德二年所遣使臣库鲁克至盛京,捎去皇太极致藏巴汗的书信。崇德五年以四世班禅、五世达赖为首使者身份出使清朝,七年到达盛京。八年五月启程西返,顺治元年冬到拉萨,三年圆寂于喀尔喀。戴青绰尔济俗名晋巴嘉措,是出生于尼唐寺附近的藏人,可能是塔尔寺法台。崇德三年遣使清朝,五年代表顾实汗与车臣绰尔济一同出使清朝。车臣绰尔济返藏后,戴青绰尔济留在清廷,先后任皇太极和福临的"国师"。顺治四年戴青绰尔济返回西藏,不久在额齐格喇嘛故乡巴州修建了弘善寺,顺治十二年圆寂。文章还考证了车臣绰尔济和戴青绰尔济的转世,并纠正了学界混肴二人转世的错误。 Chechen Chorji and Daichin Chorji, the high lamas of Gelug sects, were very famous in the early relationship between the Qing dynasty and Tibet, because they came to Qing as envoys, and opened the mutual envoy relationship between the Gelug sects and the Qing. Because both lamas were the disciples of Echige Lama, and both had the title of "Ilagsun"(the messenger of the Buddha), scholars have confused their activities for some time. Chechen Chorji was an Ordos Mongolian, who was enshrined and worshiped successively by the nobility of Ordos, Jasagt Khan of Khalkha and Jungar of Oirat. In 1637, he sent the envoy, Kuluge to Shengjing, and Kuluge took a letter from Huangtaiji to Tsangpa Khan. In 1640 Chechen Chorji took the trip to the Qing court as the envoy of the fourth Panchen Lama and the fifth Dalai Lama, and arrived in Shengjing in 1642. In 1643, he returned to the west and arrived in Lhasa in 1644, and he passed away in Khalkha in 1646. Daichin Chorji had a common name called Jinbajiacuo, he was a Tibetan who born near by the Nitang Monastery, perhaps near the platform of Kumbum Monastery. In the 1638, he dispatched the envoy to Qing, and he went to the Qing court with Chechen Chorji as the representatives of Guush Khan in 1640. After Chechen Chorji went back to Tibet, Daichin Chorji stayed in Qing court, and became the "State Preceptor"of Huangtaiji and Fulin successively. Daichin Chorji went back to Tibet in 1647, and soon after he built the Hongshan Monastery in Bazhou, the hometown of Echige Lama. Daichin Chorji passed away in the 1655. This article also examines the reincarnation of Chechen Chorji and Daichin Chorji, and corrects the mistake of previous scholars who confused the reincarnations of the two lamas.
作者 宝音德力根 Baoyindeligen(The Mongolian History Department,Inner Mongolia Universit)
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期48-60,共13页 The Qing History Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"1636-1720年西藏 蒙古与清朝关系研究"(批准号:07JJD770114)
关键词 清藏关系 车臣绰尔济 戴青绰尔济 伊拉古克三胡土克图 relationship between Qing dynasty and Tibet Chechen Chorji Daichin Chorji llagsun Khutugtu
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