
新媒体时代新闻报道的可视化探究 被引量:6

Visualization of News Coverage in New Media Era
摘要 在新媒体时代,互联网充斥着各种图片,图片的地位日益显著。自2011年以来,以数据挖掘和数据分析为依托的可视化新闻栏目和报道相继问世。但国内现有文献并没有对数据新闻和可视化新闻进行严格的区分,人们在使用中经常将二者混为一谈。本文对这两个概念做出了区分,选取新浪《图解天下》的176篇可视化新闻报道作为样本进行纵向内容分析,并选取6家互联网媒体对“马航”失联事件的可视化新闻报道进行横向内容分析。研究发现:第一,凡是可以从时间维度、地理空间维度以及关系解说维度报道的新闻,采用可视化报道可以取得较好的报道效果;第二,可视化新闻有压倒文字新闻的发展趋势。目前,我国的可视化新闻报道正处于不稳定的初级发展阶段,这也预示着可视化新闻报道有着很大的发展空间。 With the development of the new media, the Internet is glutted with picture, which seems that the picture has an increasingly prominent position. Since 2011, visualization news columns and reports based on data mining and data analysis have come out. However, the existing literatures have not distinguish strictly between data news and visual news. In this paper, we make a distinction between the two concepts that people often confuse. We select and analyze 176 reports of the "graphic world" from Sina. corn as a longitudinal samples for analysis. We also select and analyze the reports about the incident of the " Malaysia Airlines" from six Internet media as a transverse samples tor analysis The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows: 1 ) we find that all news, which can report from time dimension, spatial dimension and relation report dimension, using the visual reports can the visual news has a tendency to overwhelm obtain better ettect. 2) we lind that the text news. Currently, in China, visualization of news report is in the primary stage of development. words, there is still much room for the development of the visual news.
作者 吴雪娇 Wu Xuejiao
出处 《新媒体与社会》 2014年第3期306-316,共11页 New Media and Society
关键词 可视化新闻 数据新闻 内容分析 Visualization news Data news Content analysis
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