Three economic uranium mineral species, uraninite. metapetchblende and petchblende. have been recognized in the precambrian uranium deposit in Liaoning Prevince. Their crystal form, and physical and chemical properties are different. The crystals of the uraninite are cubical, their cellparameter is 5. 4406 A-5. 4513A, with an ideal chemical formula. 9U02 2U03 2pb0 and an isotopic dating about 2100m. y. The petchblende is characterized by oolitic and reniform colloid with cells of 5.3976 A-5. 420A, and an ideal chemical formula 12UO2. 15UO3.pbo. Their isotopic dating is about9 1800m. y. The physical and chemical properties of the meta-petchblende are varying beween the uraninite and the petchlende. This uranium mineral species is characterized by reniform and oolitic aggregatesof grain crystals,with cells of 5.4422A-5. 455A, and an ideal chemical formula 5UO2. UO2. Pbo. Their isotopic dating is about 1900m. y.The three economic uranium minerals are closely related in their genesis. The uraninite occurs in the metamorphic rocks as uranium source. The meta-petchblende ocurrs in the lowest part and is closely near the source bed, and the petchblende is far away from the souice bed and just forms veins.
Journal of Jilin University:Earth Science Edition