高职院校电类实验室软硬件条件还比较薄弱,建设理念比较滞后,高职学生对"电类"课程理论知识的理解能力较差,传统的实验室存在实验项目少,便携性、可扩展性及创新性较差,并且设备容易损坏,需要专人管理,容易受时间和地域的限制不好开展远程实验和科研。而基于NI LabVIEW和NI ELVIS的网络实验室结合了网络技术、虚拟仪器技术和信息化技术,配有相应的信号调理电路和外围接口电路,组成了各种信号采集模块为高职电类课程教学及课程改革提供了很好的支撑,能够更好的培养学生的学习兴趣、动手实践和自主学习的能力。
The software and hardware conditions of electrical laboratories in higher vocational colleges are still relatively weak,the construction concept is lagging behind, the students'ability to understand the theoretical knowledge of "electrical"courses is poor,the traditional laboratories have fewer experimental items,poor portability,sealability and innovation,and the equipment is easy to damage,which requires special management,easy to earry out. Linfited time and geographical restrictions do not carry out remote experiments and scientific research.The network laboratory based on NI LabVIEW and NI ELVIS combines network technology,virtual instrument technology and information technology,equipped with corresponding signal conditioning circuit and peripheral interface circuit,constitutes a variety of signal acquisition modules for higher vocational electrical courses teaching and curriculum reform provides a good support,It can better cultivate students' interest in learning,practice and self-learning ability.
PENG Xiao-ping;LING Shnang-ming(Changsha aviation vocational and technical coUege,Hnnan Changsha 410124,China)
Science & Technology Vision
湖南省教育厅科学研究项目"NI LabVIEW在高等职业教育中的实践教学研究(16C0014)"资助项目