
中国公共卫生专业学生伤害预防核心能力问卷信效度分析 被引量:2

Reliability and validity of core competency scale in public health students in China
摘要 目的分析中国公共卫生专业学生伤害预防核心能力指标问卷的信、效度,为中国公共卫生专业学生提供可靠的伤害预防能力评价工具。方法方便抽取中国华北、东北及中南地区8所高校公共卫生学院的毕业班本科生及一至三年级硕士生共1 183名作为调查对象。信效度分析共分为项目分析、信度检验及效度检验3个方面。其中项目分析采用同质性检验及决断值检验;信度检验采用Cronbachα系数及重测信度检验;效度检验采用验证性因子分析进行结构效度检验。结果项目分析结果中同质性检验的相关系数在0.58~0.82之间,31个题项决断值检验的高分与低分差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);信度检验中问卷的整体Cronbachα系数为0.98,各个维度的Cronbachα系数区间为0.91~0.94,各个维度的重测相关系数得分在0.71~0.77之间,且均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);结构效度检验的验证性因子结果为:χ~2/df=3.89,良适性适配指标为0.92,调整后良适性适配指标为0.89,渐进残差均方和平方根为0.05,比较适配指标为0.97,临界样本数为339。结论中国公共卫生专业学生伤害预防核心能力指标问卷具有良好的信效度,可以用于公共卫生专业学生的伤害预防能力评估。 Objective To analyze the reliability and validity of the core competency scale of injury prevention in public health students in China, and to provide a reliable instrument for assessing injury prevention competency of public health professionals. Methods 1 183 postgraduates and final year undergraduates randomly selected from college of public health of 8 universities in the Northern, Southeastern, middle and southern China were investigated in the survey. The reliability and validity analysis was divided into three parts, including item analysis, reliability test and validity test. The item analysis employed homogeneity test and critical value test; The reliability test used Cronbach α coefficient test and test-retest reliability test; The validity test used confirmatory factor analysis for structural validity test. Results The correlation coefficient of the homogeneity test in the item analysis was between 0.58-0.82, and the scores of the 31 items were significantly different( P〈0.01); The overall Cronbach α was 0.98, the Cronbach α interval of each dimension was 0.91-0.94, and the retest correlation coefficient of each dimension was between 0.71-0.77, and the differences were significant( P〈0.01); The results of confirmatory factor analysis of the structural validity test wereχ-2/df = 3.89, GFI = 0.92, AGFI = 0.89, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.966, CN = 339. Conclusion The core competency scale for injury prevention in public health students in China are of high reliability and validity and can be an effective instrument to assess the competence for Injury prevention and control of students from public health major.
作者 叶周丰 王书梅 陈瑶 李粉粉 任俊 YE Zhoufeng;WANG Shumei;CHEN Yao;LI Fenfen;REN Jun(Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety,Ministry of Education,School of Public Health,Fudan University,Shanghai(200032),China)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第10期1459-1462,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 上海市公共卫生重点学科建设计划资助项目(15GWZK0402)
关键词 问卷调查 合理化 创伤和损伤 学生 公共卫生 Questionnaires Rationalization Public health Wounds and injuries Students public health
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