目的检测老年患者中枢神经系统感染情况,并监测LDH、CSFβ2-MG及中性粒细胞CD64临床指标,以指导临床疾病的诊断。方法收集103例本院老年患者临床资料,检测患者感染细菌及病毒情况。脑脊液及外周血样本检测LDH、CSFβ2-MG及中性粒细胞CD64临床指标。采用t检验进行统计学分析。结果 23例中枢神经系统细菌感染患者检出的27株细菌主要包括13株鲍曼不动杆菌、8株肺炎克雷伯菌、2株表皮葡萄球菌以及4株其他病原菌,构成比分别为48.15%、29.63%、7.41%和14.81%;21例病毒感染患者检出的24株病毒主要包括11株肠道病毒、9株单纯疱疹病毒、4株其他病毒,构成比分别为45.83%、37.50%和16.67%。两组患者年龄、病程等基础临床资料差异无统计学意义。细菌感染组患者LDH、CSFβ2-MG以及中性粒细胞CD64水平显著高于未感染组患者。病毒感染组患者LDH、CSFβ2-MG以及中性粒细胞CD64水平显著高于未感染组患者。结论老年患者中枢神经系统感染细菌以鲍曼不动杆菌为主,感染病毒以肠道病毒为主。LDH、CSFβ2-MG以及中性粒细胞CD64临床指标监测对老年患者感染情况及疾病诊断具有重要临床价值。
Objective To determine the prevalence of an infection of the central nervous system in elderly patients and to measure LDH, CSFβ2-MG, and neutrophil CD64 in order to guide the diagnosis of that infection in a clinical setting. Methods Clinical data on 103 elderly patients seen at this Hospital were collected to determine the prevalence of bacterial and viral infections. Three clinical indices - LDH, CSFβ2-MG, and neutrophil CD64 levels - were measured in cerebrospi- nal fluid and peripheral blood samples. Statistical analysis was performed using a t test. Results Twenty-seven strains of bacteria were detected in 23 patients with a central nervous system infection, including 13 strains (48.15%) of Acine- tobacter baumannii, 8 strains (29.63%) of Klebsiella pneumoniae, 2 strains (7.41%) of Staphylococcus epiderrnidis, and 4 strains (14.81%) of other pathogenic bacteria. Twenty-four strains of viruses were detected in 21 patients with a viral infection, including 11 strains (45.83%) of Enterovirus, 9 strains (37.50%) of Herpesvirus hominis, and 4 strains (16.67%) of other viruses. Basic clinical data, including age and course of disease, did not differ significantly between the 2 groups of patients. The LDH, CSFβ2 MG, and neutrophil CD64 levels were significantly higher in patients infected with a bacterium than in patients without an infection. The LDH, CSFβ2-MG and neutrophils CD64 level were signifi cantly higher in patients infected with a virus than in patients without an infection. Conclusion A. baumannii was the main bacterium and Enterovirus was the main virus that caused a central nervous system infection in elderly patients. The clinical indices of LDH, CSFβ2-MG, and neutrophil CD64 are crucial to determining the prevalence of infections and diag nosing an infection in elderly patients.
ZHANG Qin;ZHANG Fan;CUI Kai;CHEN Xi-ling(The Second Hospital affiliated with Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou,China 450014)
Journal of Pathogen Biology