
论领土案件中地图证据具有效力的情形 被引量:1

The Circumstances Where Map Evidences Have Probative Force in Territorial Cases
摘要 在领土争端解决中,虽然当事方较为重视地图证据的作用,但国际法庭对地图证据会采取较为审慎的态度,一般不将其作为确定领土主权归属的权利依据。存在多种影响地图效力的因素,特别是准确性、一致性、中立性及绘制主体。尽管如此,仍然存在部分例外情况,地图可能作为证据支持国际法庭的结论,甚至起到决定性作用,关键是判断地图证据能否客观反映当事方的共同意志。地图证据具有效力的情形包括:第一,作为条约的附件;第二,当事方通过明确、持续和一致的行为认可了地图证据的效力,特别是承认或者默认了不利于其主张的地图证据;第三,缺乏其他更具权威的证据,并且地图证据满足要求。 For the settlement of territorial disputes, the Parties attach importance to maps evidence, while international tribunals hold relatively cautious attitude towards their weight. By virtue solely of its existence, evidence of maps cannot be regarded as an independent title for the determination of territorial sovereignty. There exist many factors afi)cting the probative value of maps, particularly their accuracy, consistency, neutrality and source. Nevertheless, in some exceptional cases, maps can support and confirm the conclusion reached by international tribunals or even play a decisive role. Tile essential point is to find out whether maps constitute a physical expression of the will of the States concerned. These exceptional circumstances include: being annexed to acquiescence against the interest of the Party concerned an official text; constituting a recognition or or in the absence of other authentic evidence.
作者 宋岩 SONG Yan(China Foreign Affairs Universit)
出处 《边界与海洋研究》 2018年第6期70-81,共12页 Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“国际法院管辖权的初步反对程序研究”(3162018ZYE03)阶段性成果
关键词 地图证据 领土争端 国际法庭 Maps Evidence Territorial Disputes International Tribunals
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