以拉萨市北环线东绕城路2号隧道南出口高架桥为例,按照现行《城市桥梁抗震设计规范》(CJJ 166—2011)提供的相关计算公式与有限元的计算结果进行比较分析,探讨了双柱式梁桥利用反应谱方法进行抗震计算,E2反应谱计算时桥墩纵横向和纵向位移计算方法及塑性铰区域抗剪验算。防止桥墩出现剪切破坏,确保桥梁工程在地震过程中有足够的抗震能力和合理的安全度。
Taking the elevated bridge at the south exit of Tunnel No.2 in East City Road of North Ring Line in Lhasa as an example, according to the comparison and analysis on the relative calculation formulas from the current Earthquake Resistance Design Code for Urban Bridge(CJJ 166-2011) and the finite element calculation result, the article discusses the anti-seismic calculation of the double-column beam bridge by the response spectrum method, the vertical and horizontal, and longitudinal displacement calculation methods of pier, and the shearing resistance checking calculation of plastic hinge zone during the E2 response spectrum calculation. The prevention of pier from the shear failure ensures the bridge engineering to have the sufficient earthquake resistance capacity and reasonable safety in the earthquake process.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control