The project of the New National Land and Resources Investigation is directly under the administration of the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR).It was organized and implemented by China Geological Survey, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute (CLSPI) and Information Center of MLR. It is a grand and cross century project supported by the Central Finance, based on State and public interests and strategic characteristics. As one of the important members in this great work, CLSPI is in charge of the“Land Resource Monitoring and Surveying project” and “the Digital Territory Project-Land Resource Fundamental Database Construction'. These two projects were divided into eight sub projects, which are: “Land Use Dynamic Monitoring By Remote Sensing',“Arable Land Reserved Resources Investigation',“Rural Collective Land Property Right Investigation',“Establishment of Public Consulting Standardization of Cadastral Information',“Land Resources Fundamental Maps and Data Updating', “Urban Land Price Investigation and Intensive Utilization Potential Capacity Evaluation', “Farmland Classification, Gradation, and Evaluation', “Land Use Database Construction at City or County Level'. In this paper, more emphasis is placed on the introduction to the development process of these 8 subprojects and their prospective.
China Land Science
the new national land and resources investigation
land resource monitoring and surveying project
digital territory project