

The Real Estate Market and Imaginary Community in The Ice Age
摘要 20世纪七八十年代,英国全民参与的房地产自由市场被撒切尔政府表意为进取时代精神下旨在实现共同财富的民众公意。然而,这种表面上超阶级的民主机制实际上却加剧了阶级区隔。本文以迈克尔·哈特的房地产想象共同体理论为切入点,探讨玛格丽特·德拉布尔所创《大冰期》中的房地产市场背后经济权力的两种并行运行机制:一方面,房地产市场建构的经济利益共同体幻象以自然公正之名诱使小地产商投身纳入性排除的资本游戏;另一方面,以帝国复兴为宏大目标的房地产重建大规模拆迁棚户区、削减福利住房公共支出导致广大底层人民个体民主的合法性剥夺。本文指出房地产市场共同体背后的剥削性生产关系再生产实质,最后阐明德拉布尔政治诗学中"出走"的市场逃逸路径。 The British government promoted a collective participation in the free market of real estate business as popular entrepreneurship leading to communal wealth in the age of Thatcherism. However, this superficial democracy actually intensified class division. From the perspective of Michael Hardt's idea of imaginary community of real estate market, this article scrutinizes two parallel trajectories of economic power mechanism in Margaret Drabble's The Ice Age. On the one hand, a community based on economic benefits seduces petty bourgeoisie to dive into a capital game in the form of exclusion by inclusion; on the other hand, curbing public housing expenditure, housing demolition and slum relocation lead to legalized deprivation of individual democratic rights usually under the guise of empire resurrection for the sake of the underprivileged. This article therefore reveals the explorative Thatcherite function of reproductive relationship and elucidates how Drabble's political poetics features an "exodus" from the real estate market.
作者 盛丽 Sheng Li(European and American Literature Study Centre and School of English Studies,Xi'an International Studies Universit)
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期60-66,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科一般项目"战后英国小说的城市书写与民族文化认知研究"(14BWW071)的阶段性成果
关键词 玛格丽特·德拉布尔 《大冰期》 房地产市场 想象共同体 出走 Margaret Drabble The lce Age real-estate market imaginary community exodus
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