Objective Mesozoic volcanic rocks are mainly distributed in the Da Hinggan Mountains.The Baiyingaolao Formation is the main stratum in this area and has been considered to be formed in the Late Jurassic.Many scholars have researched these Mesozoic volcanic rocks in this area,which have been much debatable(Zhang Xiangxin et al.,2017).A series of studies focusing on the Baiyingaolao Formation volcanic rocks in the middle-south section of
Objective Mesozoic volcanic rocks are mainly distributed in the Da Hinggan Mountains.The Baiyingaolao Formation is the main stratum in this area and has been considered to be formed in the Late Jurassic.Many scholars have researched these Mesozoic volcanic rocks in this area,which have been much debatable(Zhang Xiangxin et al.,2017).A series of studies focusing on the Baiyingaolao Formation volcanic rocks in the middle-south section of
supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province,China(grant No.QC2017035)