The restatement of history can be seen as one of the most important cultural phenomena during the 21 stcentury,and the TV series has not only participated in this process of constructing and rewording historical memories,but also acts as an image of the cultural phenomenon. In the following article,methods or observing stand of cultural study and feminism will be used in the analysis of a few important historical works of the playwright Gao Mantang,especially the texts in which has special concern on the gender issue,to find out if there exists common writing rules and narrative pattern behind the various characters. How do the different types of characters functionin the narration,and what kind of narrative strategy is carried out though the practice? When the plot is composed of similar scenes with gender meaning,what kind of historical consciousness and cultural logic can be unfolded from it? Center / Edge, Victory / Failure, Oneself / The other, whether all these duality-structures are lodging in the gender narrative of mass culture,and have transferred or covered the terribleness and pains of history as a new-appearing violence factor.
Cultural Studies
gender narrative
historical trace
history compromise