
婴儿期抗生素使用与5~7岁儿童哮喘发病的相关性研究 被引量:9

Study on the correlation between antibiotic use in infancy and occurrence of asthma in children aged 5-7 years old
摘要 目的探讨婴儿期抗生素使用与5~7岁儿童哮喘发病的相关性。方法应用病例对照研究方法,对2016年1月-2017年1月在该院呼吸专科门诊就诊的103例5~7岁哮喘患儿(哮喘组)和103例5~7岁非哮喘患儿(非哮喘组)进行统一问卷调查,分析婴儿期抗生素使用及使用疗程次数与5~7岁儿童哮喘发生之间关系。结果婴儿期抗生素使用与儿童哮喘发病呈正相关(P<0.01),婴儿期抗生素使用是儿童哮喘发生的独立危险因素之一;婴儿期抗生素使用疗程次数与儿童哮喘之间存在剂量效应关系,使用1个疗程的抗生素不会增加儿童哮喘的发病风险(P>0.05),但是使用2个及2个以上疗程抗生素发展为哮喘的风险显著增高(P<0.01)。结论婴儿期抗生素使用是增加5~7岁儿童哮喘发病的危险因素,婴儿期抗生素使用次数越多,哮喘发病风险越高。 Objective To explore the correlation between antibiotic use in infancy and occurrence of asthma in children aged 5-7 years old. Methods A case-control study was performed,103 asthma children aged 5-7 years old( asthma group) and 103 healthy children aged 5-7 years old( non-asthma group) were surveyed by a uniform questionnaire in Respiratory Clinic of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center from January 2016 to January 2017. The correlations between antibiotic use in infancy,course and time of antibiotic use and occurrence of asthma in children aged 5-7 years old were analyzed. Results Antibiotic use in infancy was positively correlated with occurrence of asthma in children aged 5-7 years old( P〈0. 01). Antibiotic use in infancy was one of the independent risk factors of asthma in children. There was a dose-effect relationship between course and time of antibiotic use and asthma in children,antibiotic use for one course didn't increase the risk of occurrence of asthma in children( P〉0. 05),while the risk of asthma in children treated by antibiotic for two or more than two courses increased significantly( P〈0. 01). Conclusion Antibiotic use in infancy may increase the risk of asthma in children aged 5-7 years old. The more the times of antibiotics use is,the higher the risk of asthma is.
作者 余巍 唐书生 李淑华 侯俏珍 何蕾 YU Wei;TANG Shu-Sheng;LI Shu-Hua(Department of Pediatric Internal Medicine,Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510621,China)
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2018年第19期4448-4450,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 广东省科技计划科研基金立项资助(2012B031800009) 广东省医学科研基金立项资助课题(A2013513)
关键词 婴儿期 抗生素 哮喘 儿童 Infant Antibiotic Asthma Child
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