针对传统叶片测量夹具方法存在的问题,结合TRIZ理论的冲突技术等理论,搭建了基于TRIZ的叶片测量夹具创新设计的模型。为验证该模型在叶片测量夹具设计中应用的优势,以C#语言为开发语言,以SQL Server 2012为数据库,以B/S三层架构为开发模式,从功能模块、架构和登录流程等方面对叶片测量夹具的CAI软件进行搭建和设计。最后以航空发动机叶片测量为例,通过软件的辅助,得到改进后的可重构叶片测量夹具。结果表明,通过TRIZ理论对测量夹具的创新设计,可提高测量夹具设计的精度和灵活度,对航空发动机叶片制造具有一定借鉴价值。
Aiming at the requirement of innovative design of engine blade measuring fixture, it establishes a new fixture innovative design model based on TRIZ theory. It analyzes TRIZ theory, expounds the idea of constructing clamp innovative design model, discusses the existing problems of blade measuring clamp, proposes the innovative design model based on blade measuring clamp. in order to verify the accuracy and flexibility of the model in blade measuring clamp design, it uses C# language as the language, takes SQL Server 2012 as the database and B/S three-tier architecture as the development mode, develops the system for function module, architecture and login process, and obtains the improved blade measuring fixture structure. It proves that innovative design of fixture based on TRIZ theory can greatly improve fixture setting, the accuracy and flexibility of the meter.
WANG Xiaohong(Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute,Shaanxi Xianyang,712000,China)
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering