

“Miniature Beijing”——Renovation of No. 28 Dayuan Hu Tong
摘要 “微缩北京”——大院胡同28号院改造项目,位于北京旧城区域,由原来占地面积262平米的普通杂院,改造为五套带院落居住公寓+一套咖啡/餐茶公共空间。由喧闹的城市商业街区转折进入闲适宁静的胡同区域,再由外部胡同通过一条半室外主巷道和一条再次分支的巷廊,分别进入北侧、南侧不同格局和规模的五套“合院”公寓,几条线型混凝土结构/空间单元构成了内含于整体院落群组建筑的空间架构。每套公寓拥有大小、形状变化的院庭,主要起居空间通透,面向并对景于庭园;由主巷道继续南行,经咖啡/餐茶空间,抵达后面的小公共庭园,并可沿一侧的混凝土阶梯,上至抬升在庭院上方的亭楼平台。夕阳西下之时,游者在此可观想、沉浸于由旧城层叠屋顶、古树、飞翔的鸽群、远方城市高楼群所构成的深远胜景。 The conversion of No. 28 Dayuan Hu Tong, titled 'Miniature Beijing', which is an Atelier Li Xinggang's recent project completed in 2017, is located in the old city area of Beijing. A common courtyard house of 262sqm is transformed into five apartments with self-contained courtyards, as well as a public space that host cafe and tea house. Turning from the noisy urban commercial streets into the peaceful and leisurely Hu Tong district, then through the outside main Hu Tong to a semi-extemal ally way and a further smaller lane, separate paths lead to the north and south courtyard apartments of different size and configurations. Several linear concrete structural / spacial units form the elemental spacial formation within the entire courtyard complex. Each contains a courtyard that is varied in size and shape. The main living room of each apartment is spacious and bright, benefits from the view of the garden. Travelling further south along the main ally way, passing the cafe and tea house, visitors reach the small public garden at the rear and arrive at the platform of the pavilion elevated above the courtyard via a set of concrete steps on the side. With the setting sun as the backdrop, the profound scenery composed of stacked roofs in the old city, ancient trees, flying pigeons and the new city high-rises in the distance bring visitors into much contemplation.
出处 《世界建筑导报》 2018年第5期110-115,共6页 World Architecture Review
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