Objective:Based on the medical device management system, this paper evaluates the maintenance costs, economic bene- fits anti service satisfaction of the monitor at tlifferent purchase prices, which can guide the choice of the purchase price of equipments. Methods : Three kinds of Monitors, purchased at different prices in the same year(A= 18,000 yuan/station, 23,000 yuan/station, 41,000 yuan/station), are monitored by the medical device management software introduced by the hospital. All devices are operated and main- tained under the same condition for three years. The maintenance times, maintenance costs, economic benefits anti service satisfaction of the three kinds of prices monitors are compared. Results : The maintenance times of type A monitor is significantly higher than those of the latter two, and the difference is statistically significant. There is no significant difference in maintenance times between type B anti type C. The maintenance costs of type A is significantly higher than those of the latter two types, anti the maintenance costs of type B is slightly lower than type C, but the difference is not statistically significant. The C type monitor produces the lowest economic benefits when considering the incoming prices, maintenance costs, and depreciation costs. Conclusion : Price is not the main factor to determine the introduction of a certain of medical device. Only by lowering the purchase price within a reasonable range can we really save costs.
Fei Qi;Qi Shen(Department of Medical Devices,The Second people's Hospital,Changzhou,Jiangsu,213000)
Jiangsu Health System Management
Medical Device Management System
Purchase and Maintenance Costs
Device Procurement