

Study on Government Mobilization and Grassroots Interaction in Rural Construction in Suiyuan Province
摘要 乡村建设既是二十世纪二三十年代中国兴起的社会改良运动,也是乡村自救运动[1](P12)。在乡村建设理论的指导下,山东、河北、绥远等省都先后进行试点,绥远省在借鉴他省经验的基础上,根据自身的情况,举全省之力投入,建立了以绥远各级政府为主导,乡导员为宣传主体,广大农民积极参与的动员机制,在不断解决矛盾中把乡村建设向前推进,最终取得了显著的成效。虽然绥远的乡村建设并没有像山东、河北那样备受关注,但它对绥远省乃至全国的发展有着不可忽视的作用。绥远乡建的主力军——农民是如何参与到建设中的?其间是否经历了复杂的思想斗争?其中的矛盾又是如何化解的等等自然成为研究的重点问题,"目光向下"的研究方法指导我们从另一个视角重新审视绥远乡建,这样不仅有助于全面地、动态地、立体化地呈现乡建中的政府主导、基层互动的完整过程,而且有助于理解国家在推进乡村治理现代化进程中的艰难曲折性。 Rural construction, also called rural self-help movement, was a social reform movement that rose in China in the1920 s and 1930 s. Under the guidance of rural construction theory, Shandong, Hebei, Suiyuan and other provinces carried out trials successively. On the basis of the rural construction experience from other provinces, Suiyuan province, combined with its own situations, set up a mobilization mechanism with Suiyuan government at all levels as the leading force, country guides as the main propagandists, and with the broad masses of farmers actively participating. Remarkable results had been achieved in pushing rural construction to a new stage in the process of constantly resolving contradictions and problems. Although Suiyuan 's rural construction did not receive as much attention as that of Shandong and Hebei, it played an important role in the development of Suiyuan province and even the whole country. As for the problems how farmers experienced a complicated ideological struggle and how they solved contradictions,"looking down" methodology provides a new perspective for the comprehensive, dynamic and three-dimensional presentation of farmers' participation in the construction process. It is not only helpful for reproducing the process of Suiyuan rural construction, but also for understanding the difficulties and twists in the pursuit of modern governance.
作者 高娟 Gao Juan
出处 《农业考古》 2018年第3期98-104,共7页 Agricultural Archaeology
关键词 乡村建设 政府动员 基层互动 绥远 rural construction government mobilization grassroot interaction Suiyuan Province
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