
空气净化器甲醛净化性能研究 被引量:4

Research on Purification Performance for Formaldehyde by Air Cleaner
摘要 从技术原理、甲醛净化效果、功率及净化能效入手,研究不同档次的空气净化器净化性能,为消费者的选购和企业生产提供参考依据。方法依据国标方法,在环境试验舱内通入甲醛气体,检测空气净化器作用过程中甲醛浓度变化,研究空气净化器甲醛去除效果,同时测定相应工作状态下的功率,并计算净化能效。结果"HEPA+活性炭"技术是目前空气净化器所采用的主流技术;静电、银离子催化等技术没有明显提高甲醛的去除效果,对耗电量也没有明显影响;净化效果与洁净空气量有一定的正相关性。结论耗电量越大空气净化器净化效果不一定越好,净化能效能够比较客观的反应空气净化器的整体性能,应该作为选购空气净化器的主要参考指标。 Objective In this paper, to provide a reference for the consumers in selecting better air cleaners and manufacturers in production, the technical principle, formaldehyde purification effect, power and the cleaning energy efficiency of different grades of air purifier were researched. Methods According to national standard method, the formaldehyde gas was added into the environmental test chamber, and then the formaldehyde concentration was tested during the cleaner running to studies the air cleaner formaldehyde removal efficiency. At the same time, the power were recorded to calculate the cleaning energy efficiency. Results"HEPA + activated carbon" is the mainstream technology adopted by air cleaner at present. The technology of electrostatic and silver ionic catalysis have not improved the removal effect of for maldehyde obviously, and have no obvious effects on power consumption. The purification effect has a positive correlation with the clean air quantity. Conclusions High energy consumption does not represent high performance. The cleaning energy efficiency can objectively show the overall performance of air cleaner, and should be used as the main reference index for selecting air cleaner.
作者 吕晓飞 刘兵兵 胡朋举 陈畅 张学晶 相海恩 Lv Xiaofei;Liu Bingbing;Hu Pengju;Chen Chang;Zhang Xuejing;Xiang Haien
出处 《洁净与空调技术》 2018年第3期66-68,共3页 Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology
关键词 空气净化器 洁净空气量 功率 净化能效 Air cleaner Clean air delivery rate Power Cleaning energy efficiency
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