

Research of the key components based on Openstack
摘要 云计算融合了网格计算,分布式计算,并行计算,在线存储技术,虚拟化技术,负载均衡技术,借助SaaS, PaaS, IaaS和其他服务模式,将强大的计算能力分发给终端用户,使用户进入一个精简的PC系统。Openstack是一个开源的云计算平台,本文对云计算平台部署前的准备工作进行了探讨,并对关键组件的部署进行了深入的研究。 Cloud computing combines grid computing, distributed computing, parallel computing, online storage, virtualization,load balancing. Via SaaS, PaaS , IaaS and Other service modes,Cloud computing distributes powerful computing power to end users,giving user a streamlined PC system. Openstaek is an open source cloud computing platform. This paper discusses the preparatory work before the deployment of Openstaek. Research of the key components based on Openstaek.
作者 黄珏 HUANG Jue(Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology,Nanjing Jiangsu 210046,China)
出处 《科技视界》 2018年第23期47-48,共2页 Science & Technology Vision
关键词 云计算 云平台 OPENSTACK Cloud computing Cloud platform Openstack
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