汾酒厂中水回用于酒班冷却、住宅楼及厂区冲厕、葡萄园浇地、基建用水、厂区绿化等用途。中水用户多 ,用水情况复杂。为了节能 ,中水加压泵站采用变频供水系统。在确定变频供水方案时 ,考虑到用水低谷时的零流量、小流量的特殊情况 ,以及大范围的流量波动 ,从工程常用的变频组合方式中找出最佳方案 ,灵活选泵 ,使变频调速适用于各种可能的流量 ,达到充分节能的目的。运行表明 ,所选方案不仅运行效果稳定 。
The treated wastewater of Fenjiu alcohol plant is reused in alcohol cooling, toilet washing, vine irrigating, construction water consumption and lawn watering etc. The reusing condition is complicated since there are so many ways of using the water. Hence the pump station uses a pump system of changeable frequency in order to save energy. The probabilities of zero and minimum flow rates and a wide range of flow rate fluctuations in actual situations are considered before determining the pump system scheme. The optimum scheme is selected from many plans in common use. It selects pumps flexibly so that it can meet a variety of flow rates and get the result of maximum energy conservation. The practical result indicates that the selected system runs steadily and it avoids the frequent starting of pumps.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology