
英国中小学课外辅导的教育公平:问题、策略与启示 被引量:2

The Education Equity of After-school Tutoring in UK:Problems,measures and inspirations
摘要 近年来,英国中小学课外辅导的需求激增,其背后是社会阶层争夺优质教育资源的竞争.当前英国课外辅导中教育公平存在着富裕家庭学生更可能参加课外辅导、私立学校学生更可能接受课外辅导、伦敦学生更容易获取课外辅导资源等问题,这些问题的产生和学生家长的社会群体、收入阶层和文化程度密切相关.为了解决这些问题,英国政府积极制定相关政策,呼吁文法学校和课外辅导机构关注处境不利学生,力图利用课外辅导来缩小而非继续扩大现有的阶层差距.英国政府支持处境不利学生课外辅导的相关策略,可以为完善我国课外辅导机制提供一些启示. In recent years, the demand for after-school tutoring in UK has surged, resulting from the competition among thesocial classes for quality education resources. There are some problems for after-school tutoring in UK,for example students fromrich families are more likely to take part in tutoring, students in private schools are more likely to accept tutoring and studentsfrom London are more likely to obtain tutoring resources. These problems are closely related to the social groups,income classesand educational levels which parents belong to. In order to solve these problems,UK government has actively formulated relevantpolicies,calling on grammar schools and after-school tutoring institutions to pay attention to disadvantaged students,trying to useafter-school tutoring to reduce the existing class gap. UK government’s support for after-school tutoring of disadvantaged studentscan provide some inspirations for improving our after-school tutoring mechanism.
作者 孔令帅 马文婷 KONG Lingshuai;MA Wenting(Research Institute for International and Comparative Education,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai,20023)
出处 《现代基础教育研究》 CSSCI 2018年第3期69-75,共7页 Research on Modern Basic Education
基金 上海市曙光计划“国际组织全球教育治理政策价值取向研究”(编号:17SG43)的阶段性成果
关键词 英国 教育公平 课外辅导 处境不利学生 启示 UK education equity after-school tutoring disadvantaged students inspirations
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