Based on holistic philosophy and balanced and harmonious ecological aesthetic concept, ecological aesthetics has developed into the frontier theoretical form of Chinese aesthetics with the development of the times, and marched forward with the world trend of ecological civilization development, forming a new trait of civilization. Professor Yuan Dingsheng has laid a firm theoretical foundation of his ecological aesthetics on his eco-aesthetic views, constructing a five-in-one eco-aesthetic system of theory and methodology that integrates logic, history, application, meta-discipline, and comparative studies and is characteristic of logical relevance and progressive connotation. In his construction of the theoretical system, he has created academic categories and discipline paradigms with meta-creative values, such as dependent-ecology, competitive-ecology, integral-ecology, beautiful-ecology, self-spinning ecology and so on, which promote the symbiotic study of western environmental aesthetics to a more systematic study of integral-ecology and to a beautiful-ecology study more consistent with the ecological regularity and purpose. Furthermore, the traditional dialectics is sublimated into the ecological dialectics with the super-cycle and self-spinning ecology as the core for the final realization of coupling theory, methodology and connotation. Therefore, Professor Yuan's study has become one of the most representative systems of ecological aesthetics theory and method. His epoch-making creation and systematic construction of ecological aesthetics theory is not only the joint manifestation of academic meta-creation spirit and academic life potential, but also the internal demand of the current theoretical development of ecological civilization construction.
Journal of Poyang Lake