

Enrich_analysis.pl,a perl script for enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes
摘要 如何从庞大的基因表达数据库里挖掘出有价值的信息,并做出科学的生物学诠释,是基因表达分析领域的重要挑战。富集分析为解决这一问题提出了合理的方案。用Perl语言写了一个脚本——Enrich_analysis.pl,可根据基因注释信息进行基因富集分析,并利用Fisher's Exact Test做检验。富集分析先根据生物学知识将基因归类,然后进行基因差异表达分析,提高数据的可解释性。并利用3篇SCI文章的差异基因数据,对本perl脚本进行了对比测试,证明本perl脚本算法正确可靠。 It is a major for challenge transcriptome data analysis to dig out research-related information and provide professional interpretation. Enrichment analysis offers a rational option. In this article, a perl script Enrich_analysis.pl was written for analyzing differentially expressed gene product annotations in biology, and the statistical test adopted Fisher s Exact Test. Enrichment analysis performed domain aggregation by combining gene expressions before testing for the differentially expressed. It helps investigators assign biological meaning to some group of genes. Moreover, using the data of differential expression gene from 3 SCI articles, the perl script was tested. The results proved Enrich analysis to be correct and reliable.
作者 李旭凯 王钇杰 王俊杰 LI Xukai;WANG Yijie;WANG Junjie(College of Life Science,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,Shanxi,China;Shanxi Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement of Minor Crops,Jinzhong 030801,Shanxi,China;Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement on Loess Plateau,Ministry of Agriculture,Taiyuan 030031,Shanxi,China;College of Agriculture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Jinzhong 030801,Shanxi,China)
出处 《生物信息学》 2018年第3期178-183,共6页 Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics
基金 山西省主要农作物种质创新与分子育种重点科技创新平台(No.201605D151002) 山西省优秀博士来晋工作奖励资金科研项目(No.SXYBKY201738)
关键词 Enrich_analysis.pl perl脚本 富集分析 Fisher-s EXACT TEST 检验 Enrich_analysis.pl Perl script Enrichment analysis Fisher s Exact Test Statistical inferenc
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