目的探讨Pulmo软件在外伤性胸腔积液法医鉴定中的应用价值。方法选择因外伤造成胸腔积液的成年患者CT图像50例。利用Pulmo软件计算胸腔积液体积,并与经典计算方法相比较。使用多层螺旋CT工作站中的测量工具测量胸腔积液的上下径、卧位时主动脉弓层面、隆突下层面、膈顶层面的积液厚度、积液最高点至胸腔底部的垂直距离,分析胸腔积液体积与各测量参数之间的相关性,并建立回归方程。结果 Pulmo软件测量胸腔积液量与经典方法计算结果间差异无统计学意义。胸腔积液体积与积液上下径和卧位时主动脉弓层面、隆突层面、膈顶层面积液厚度的乘积之间密切相关,可得回归方程拟合优度分别是0.911、0.940、0.949;与积液上下径和卧位时膈顶层面积液最高点至胸腔底部的垂直距离的乘积之间密切相关,可得回归方程拟合优度是0.936。结论利用Pulmo软件可以准确测量胸腔积液的体积,得到胸腔积液体积与积液上下径、卧位时主动脉弓层面、隆突层面、膈顶层面积液厚度、膈顶层面积液最高点至胸腔底部的垂直距离之间存在密切相关性,所得回归方程对胸腔积液的法医学鉴定和临床诊治具有很高的应用价值。
Objective To assess the application value of Pulmo software in medicolegal expertise for traumatic pleural effusion.Methods There are CT images of 50 cases adult patients with thoracic effusion caused by trauma.The thoracic fluid volume was calculated by Pulmo software and compared with the calculation method of pleural effusion.A measurement instrument in video card is used to measure the top and vertical diameter of pleural effusion,the diameters of under aortic arch plane,carina plane,diaphragm plane.Individual planar measurements were statistically calculated with the detected volume of pleural effusion.A mathematical calculation of the expression measurement was created.Results There is a close correlation between pleural effusion volume and the multiply of top and vertical diameter and thickness of carina plane,diaphragm plane.R2 of under aortic arch plane,carina plane,diaphragm plane the regression equation were 0.911、0.940、0.949;Pleural effusion volume is closely related to the multiply of top and vertical diameter and fore-and-aft diameter of diaphragm plane.R2 of diaphragm plane the regression equation was 0.936.Conclusion Using Pulmo software can accurately measure the volume of pleural effusion.There is a close correlation between pleural effusion volume and top and vertical diameter and thickness,fore-and-aft diameter of diaphragm plane,which has high application valve in forensic identification and diagnosis and treatment about pleural effusion.
Yang Yujie;Luo Xietian;Li Jian;Ma Shuling;Li Fan(School of Forensic Medicine,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang,471023,China)
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine