山西是公认的旅游资源大省,却不是旅游经济大省."黄河板块"是山西省未来旅游发展的三大板块之一,黄河文化特色鲜明,是华夏文明的源和根,黄河板块的旅游有序发展将撬动山西旅游新发展.本文应用旅游资源学理论对黄河板块四市的旅游资源进行梳理得出:黄河板块旅游资源种类多,总量丰富,资源质量高;人文旅游资源占绝对主导地位;主要集中在临汾和运城地区.在此基础上,利用Acr GIS软件进行空间分析发现四市旅游资源空间分布呈现3个特点:国家A级景区南部集中沿黄河片状分布;北部偏东,沿太行吕梁山脉呈带状分布;整个黄河沿岸,国家A级景区稀少,缺少5A级龙头景区.最后,针对黄河板块的旅游有序发展提出五点建议.
Shanxi is generally acknowledged as a major province of tourism resources but not a province of tourism economy. The Yellow River Plate is one of the major sections for the future tourism development in Shanxi Province. The distinctive features of the Yellow River culture are the source and root of the Huaxia civilization. The orderly development of tourism in the Yellow River Plate will lever the new development of Shanxi tourism. Applying the theory of tourism resources,this paper analyzed the tourism resources in the four cities of the Yellow River Plate and reached the conclusions below: First,the categories of tourism resources in the Yellow River Plate are numerous,and the quantity of tourism resources is huge while the quality is high. Second,the humanistic tourism resources take dominate place in the whole tourism resources,which mainly distributes in Linfen and Yuncheng areas. Based on the conclusions above,this paper also analyzed the spatial distribution of tourism resources in the four cities using the Acr GIS software and found three characteristics presented in them. The distribution of national A-level tourism attractions draw up a sheet-like picture along the Yellow River in the southern area; and a zonal picture in the northern area,which is just along the Taihang and Lvliang Mountains. There are few national A-level tourism attractions and no 5 A level leading tourism attractions along the whole Yellow River. Finally,five suggestions were proposed on the orderly development of the Yellow River Plate.
LEI Chuan-fang;HOU Hui-ming;HU Wei-xia;JIA Yong-juan(College of History and Tourism Culture,Shanxi Normal University,Lifen 041004,Shanxi,China;College of education and Science,Shanxi Normal University,Lifen 041004,Shanxi,China)
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
山西省互联网+旅游产业升级协同创新项目(HLWLY 2017008)
Yellow River Plate
tourism resources
national A-level tourism attractions
spatial distribution