
320 MW机组燃煤添加剂脱汞试验研究 被引量:1

Study of mercury removal with additive in 320 MW unit in coal-fired power plant
摘要 在燃煤中加入微量脱汞添加剂可促进燃烧及烟气迁移过程中汞的氧化及形态转化,从而大幅改善现有环保设施对汞的协同脱除效果。320 MW超低排放机组入炉煤添加剂脱汞试验研究表明,添加CaBr_2使得入炉煤含溴增加70μL/L左右,SCR脱硝系统对元素汞的氧化率可提高90%,布袋除尘器脱汞率提高13.64%,脱硫系统脱汞率提高11.7%,而湿法脱硫浆液汞的二次释放等对终端汞的排放有着不同程度的影响。 The addition of trace mercury removal additive in the coal, will improve mercury oxidation and mercury speciation transform in the coal burning and flue gas transport, will increase the co - benefit mercury removal ef-ficiency in the existing air pollution control devices. In afluegas ultra clean 320 MW coal fired power p la n t, adding mercury removal additive in the burning coal shows ,with the CaBr2 solution mine addition in the coal, 90% element mercury will be oxidized , after CaBr2 solution addition , efficiency of bag filters will increase 13.64% ,and mercury removal efficiency of Wet - FGD will increase 11.7%. Mercury reemission in Wet - FGD will have different effect on the merc
出处 《电力科技与环保》 2018年第4期22-24,共3页 Electric Power Technology and Environmental Protection
基金 国家863计划"燃煤电站多污染物综合控制技术研究与示范"(2013AA065401)
关键词 CaBr2汞氧化剂 协同脱汞 汞的二次释放 汞的形态 mercury CaBr2 mercury oxidizing agent co - benefit mercury removal mercury reemission mercury speciation
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