

Army Ground Communication Network Based on 2D Virtual Force Model
摘要 为了防止部署过程中,搭载有通信基站的无人节点车群的"逃逸"与过分聚集,实现其构建通信网络对目标区域的均匀最大化覆盖目标,提出一种基于二维虚拟力的自组织覆盖算法。在传统斥力和引力基础之上,引入中心引力、边界约束力两种虚拟力作用于各通信成员节点,引入节点间距离的阈值、边界节点与边界距离的阈值,实现对目标区域的均匀化覆盖,在防止过分分散而出现"逃逸"的同时,使相对集中的节点分散开来。实验结果表明,算法在覆盖率指标等方面的性能较为优秀。 In order to prevent the ‘escape'and excessive accumulation of communication nodes car during the deployment process,the construction of communication network for maximizing covered evenly in the target zone is achieved,this dissertation presents a two-dimensional virtual force-driven self-organization deployment algorithm,in which each communication nodes car moves by control of two virtual forces,namely central gravitation and boundary binding force,expect of traditional repulsion and gravity. The introduction of a threshold distance between nodes,the threshold boundary node boundary distance makes communication nodes car covers the target region uniformly,to prevent the emergence of ‘escape' caused by excessive dispersion,meanwhile promote nodes in relative concentration spread out. Experimental results show that Algorithm in terms of coverage indicators of performance is more outstanding.
作者 段宇江 祁志民 程宾 徐海亚 段笑笑 DUAN Yu-jiang;QI Zhi-min;CHENG Bin;XU Hai-ya;DUAN Xiao-xiao(North Automatic Control Technology Institute,Taiyuan 030006,Chin)
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期103-106,共4页 Fire Control & Command Control
关键词 通信节点车 二维部署 虚拟力算法 communication nodes car two-dimension (2D)deployment virtual force algorithm
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