

Xi'an Zhongzheng Middle School During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
摘要 西安中正中学创建于1942年,时任黄埔军校第七分校校长的胡宗南为解决官佐子弟在大后方继续接受教育的问题,于西安翠华山麓的太乙宫创办中正中学。中正中学自创办至1949年大陆解放停办,虽仅办学八年,但它在教学质量上堪称西安地区首屈一指的基础教育学校,为西北乃至全国培养和输送了大批优质人才。在中学第四任校长高化臣的带领下,学校从起初办学混乱,学潮四起的低靡局面,成功的转型为高升学率、高教学水平、高办学质量的"三高型"优秀中学,其成功之处值得后来教育者借鉴。 Xi'an Zhongzheng Middle School was founded in 1942. Hu Zongnan, the then president of the 7 th branch of the Huangpu Military Academy, founded Zhongzheng Middle School in Taiyi Palace in the foothills of Xi'an Cuihua Mountain. The middle school was closed in 1949 when the China's mainland was just liberated. Despite 8-year short life, Zhongzheng Middle School did excellent job even the best basic education in Xi'an, cultivating a large number of talented people for Northwestern China even for the whole. Under the leadership of the 4 th principal Gao Huachen, the school transformed from a mess with disordered management, and frequent student agitation into a brilliant middle school which did well not only in the proportion of students entering higher education, but also in teaching level as well as education quality. It is worthwhile for educators at present and in the coming ages to learn from this school's success. The author collects some studying experiences and memoirs of alumni of Zhongzheng Middle School and writes this paper to explore reasons of Xi'an Zhongzheng Middle School's achievements, and to commemorate the non-stopping basic education in tough war times.
作者 章彤晖 ZHANG Tonghui(School of History and Culture & Tourism, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu Sichuan 610000, China)
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2018年第6期71-78,共8页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
关键词 中正中学 第七分校 高化臣 胡宗南 Zhongzheng Middle School The 7th Branch School of the Huangpu Military Academy Gao Huachen Hu Zongnan
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