With the rapid development of lnternet technology, the volume of data has increased exponentially. As the large amounts of data are no longer easy to be managed and secured by the owners, big data security and privacy has become a hot issue. One of the most popular research fields for solving the data security and data privacy is within the scope of big data governance and security, In this paper, we introduce the basic concepts of data governance and security. Then, all the state-of-the-art open source frameworks for data governance and security, including Apache Falcon, Apache Atlas, Apache Ranger, Apache Sentry and Kerberos, are detailed and discussed with descriptions of their implementation principles and possible applications.
With the rapid development of lnternet technology, the volume of data has increased exponentially. As the large amounts of data are no longer easy to be managed and secured by the owners, big data security and privacy has become a hot issue. One of the most popular research fields for solving the data security and data privacy is within the scope of big data governance and security, In this paper, we introduce the basic concepts of data governance and security. Then, all the state-of-the-art open source frameworks for data governance and security, including Apache Falcon, Apache Atlas, Apache Ranger, Apache Sentry and Kerberos, are detailed and discussed with descriptions of their implementation principles and possible applications.