在上部为花岗岩块石填土、下部为相对软弱的粘性土 ,地下水与海水相通的地区进行大型工程建设 ,主要建 (构 )筑物采用桩基础是安全可靠的措施 ,但采用何种桩型、沉桩时怎样才能顺利穿过花岗岩块石填土是一个值得研究的课题。采用潜孔锤引孔穿过花岗岩块石填土 ,往孔内回填碎石 ,然后打H型钢桩 。
Pile - foundation is one of the safe and reliable measures for main buildings and constructions of large - scale engineering project in the area , where the upper part consists of failling granite fragments, the lower part consist of soft clay, and groundwater and seawater are connected with each other. What type pile will be selected and how can penetrate through the filling granite fragements successfully? These questions are worthy to be studied. A process of preparing lead-holes in the granite fragements filling using dive-hole hammer, and back filling gravel into the lead-holes, then driving H-shaped, was perfermed. The obtained result of the foundation streatment for a power plant in Shenzhen city is better.
Journal of Engineering Geology