
近代中国女性自画像的形象建构与自我书写 被引量:2

Image Construction and Self-writing of Female Self-portraits in Modern China
摘要 女性自画像作为一种独特的视觉文本,是女性所在的历史环境和个人境遇的综合显现,她们自我形象的建构历程和自我书写的精神实质反映出时代话语和文化心理的衍变轨迹。古代女性写真无论是为了自娱、遣怀还是辩白,都附着于男权话语的审美观念,女性处于"被观看"的境遇中。近代女性在建构真实的"自我形象"过程中完成了丰富多彩的自我书写。出身世家的陈小翠、方君璧、孙多慈诠释出不同形态的"新闺秀",显示出女性在新旧杂陈的时代话语中的顺应与隐忍、流连和回顾、反抗与革新;妓女出身、文盲起点的潘玉良通过受教育走出旧身份,在艺术表达中更加勇敢和坦诚,完成了守护自我的精神书写;生活于上海的关紫兰、梁雪清等人完成了对"都市名媛"的形塑;郁风的自画像回应了时代对"女杰"的呼唤。女性自画像的发展脉络折射出中国女性自我意识逐渐觉醒的历史进程,揭示女性自我书写"从传统到近代"的演变轨迹。 As a unique visual text, self-portraits of female painters is a comprehensive mani- festation of the historical environment and personal circumstances of women. The construction process of their self- image and the spiritual essence of their self- writing reflect the evolution of discourse power and cultural psychology. In ancient times, self-portraits of female painters were attached to the aesthetic concepts of male power discourse for entertainment, relief and justifying. Women are in the "watched" situation. Modern women have completed colorful self-writing in the process of constructing the real "self-image". Chen Xiaocui, Fang Junbi and Sun Duoci, who came from aristocratic families, described different forms of "new guixiu? (genteel? ladies)'. They interpret women's adaptation and tolerance, lingering and retrospect, resistance and innovation between the old times and the new times. Pan Yuliang, who was a prostitute and an illiterate person, changed her identity through education. She is more brave and honest in artistic expression, and has completed the spiritual writing of Self guardianship. Guan Zilan and Liang Xueqing, who lived in Shanghai, have completed the image-building of the "socialite". The self- portraits of Yu Feng has responded to the call of heroine at that time. The development of female self-portraits reflect the historical process of the gradual awakening for Chinese women's self-consciousness and reveal the evolution of female self-writing from traditional to modern.
作者 彭敏哲 Peng Minzhe
机构地区 中山大学中文系
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期179-191,共13页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 近代中国 女性自画像 形象建构 自我书写 Modern China Female Self-portraits Image Construction Self-writing
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