为了解决多对1(多个发射(TX)线圈到一个接收(RX)线圈)磁共振耦合(CMR)无线能量传输系统效率低下和传输距离不远的问题,提出2对1(两个TX线圈到一个RX线圈)的CMR无线能量传输系统的自适应阻抗匹配方法。该方法的原理是当信号源内阻与负载阻抗相等时,能量将无损耗地传输到负载端,但通常情况下是不匹配的,因此要引入LC阻抗匹配网络(IMN)使源端内阻与负载端阻抗相等。由于RX线圈在空间位置的变化会引起发射端输入阻抗的变化,因此针对不同的RX线圈位置设定不同的LC阻抗匹配网络,使其能够达到自适应阻抗匹配的目的。最后进行了试验,随着RX线圈在空间位置的变化,阻抗匹配网络能够快速实现自动匹配,能量传输效率最高达到87%,为手机充电距离提高到10 cm以上。
In order to solve the problem of low efficiency and transmission distance of multi-to-1(multi transmit(TX) coils to one receive(RX) coil) coupled magnetic resonance(CMR) wireless power transmission system, this paper presents 2-to-1(two TX Coils to one RX coil) of the CMR wireless energy transmission system of the adaptive impedance matching method. The principle of this method is that when the load impedance is matched to the equivalent internal impedance of the power source, power can be trans-mitted to the load without reflection, but it is usually not matched. Therefore, the LC impedance matching network(IMN) is used to make the source resistance and the load side impedance equal. As the RX coil changes in the spatial position of the transmitter will cause the input impedance changes, this paper sets different LC impedance matching network for different RX coil position, so that it can achieve the purpose of adaptive impedance matching. Finally, after the test, with the RX coil in the spatial position of the change, the impedance matching network can quickly achieve automatic matching, energy transfer efficiency is up to 87 %, and the mobile phone charging distance increases to 10 cm or more.
Xiong Wei;Liu Xiaojing(Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for High-efficiency Utilization of Solar Energy,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China;School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China;Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenzhen 518000,China)
Application of Electronic Technique